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Five for Friday: Employee engagement

By Bev Attfield

2 min read

This week in Five for Friday we focus on employee engagement with three on trend articles and two classics.

Read about turning around toxic environments, a revolutionary employee handbook, and the engagement trends set to shake up IT in 2016:

  1. 2016 employee engagement trends that will shake up IT. (@MyShar0na)
  2. Inside Netflix’s revolutionary employee handbook. (@vivian_giang)
  3. Fixing toxic environments. Five new rules of employee engagement. (@paulkeegan)

And here are two classics that anyone who has an interest in what engages employees and the impact that has on a business, really wants to read:

  1. Dan Pink’s classic TED talk on "The Surprising Science of Motivation". It's a mesmerizing talk that will certainly shift your thinking. (@DanielPink)
  2. Gallup’s "State of the American Workplace Report 2013". While this is no longer new, it's a large and rigorous study of the impact of employee engagement on business outcomes. It's a must read in the industry. (@Gallup)


Five for Friday is a weekly snapshot of ideas, research, and leading thinking around the web on the topics of corporate culture, employee engagement, teamwork, and building better workplaces. Share, connect, and enjoy!


Bev Attfield

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